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New episodes of Happy Hour are available every week. As mentioned, you can download this podcast via iTunes or plug in our RSS feed link into your favorite podcasting app.

Note: Subscribing to the podcast feed will guarantee the latest episode is downloaded as soon as possible.


  • Benjamin Mayo
  • Zac Hall

Here’s what we discussed in this episode:

  • Apple releases iOS 10.2 beta 3: New ‘Love’ Messages screen effect, SOS India-only, Videos hidden by default
  • Apple’s new single-interface ‘TV’ app starts rolling out to beta tvOS users in the US [Video]
  • Apple quietly releases new iBooks StoryTime app for fourth-gen Apple TV users [Gallery]
  • Apple releases $199/$299 hardbound book covering 20 years of Apple product design, dedicated to Steve Jobs [update: video]
  • Video: Jony Ive discusses motivation behind new Apple design photo book, shows glimpses of Apple’s design studio/prototypes
  • First MacBook Pro with Touch Bar orders ship, deliver as soon as Monday
  • MacBook Pro Review Roundup: mixed reviews on performance, potential for Touch Bar
  • Customers start receiving new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, most early orders set to deliver this week
  • Apple’s new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar will be in stock, available to try at Apple Stores this week
  • The best apps for the new MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar & Touch ID
  • 1Password for macOS now supports Touch ID, Touch Bar on new MacBook Pros

Feedback? Drop us a line at happyhour@9to5mac.com. Remember: Subscribe on iTunes to catch all of the episodes as they go live and thanks for listening!