Harrison Ford voices an animated dog named Rooster in the latest trailer for The Secret Life of Pets 2. Somewhat surprisingly, this is the first animated movie role that the Star Wars and Indiana Jones icon has played in his fifty-plus years of acting.

The original Secret Life of Pets hit theaters back in 2016 and revolved around Max, a Jack Russell terrier whose simple life is upended when his owner Katie brings home a cheerfully blustering - and much bigger - brown dog named Duke. It earned mostly positive reviews and grossed a whopping $876 million at the worldwide box office, in turn assuring that a sequel would come to pass. Illumination has been marketing The Secret Life of Pets 2 by unveiling a series of character trailers over the past few months, culminating with the promo that dropped online this morning.

For the latest Secret Life of Pets 2 trailer, Illumination has shifted the spotlight over to Ford’s character Rooster, a Welsh Sheepdog who maintains order on the farm that Max, Duke, and Katie go to visit in the sequel. You can watch the new preview below, followed by the official Rooster character poster.

Based on the trailer, Rooster is as comically curmudgeonly as Ford is known for being whenever he appears in public or promotes one of his movies. The characters in the first Secret Life of Pets were modeled after the personas of the actors who voiced them, so it’s only fitting that the sequel does the same with newcomers like Rooster. Indeed, the other fresh addition here is Daisy, a Shih Tzu who’s voiced by Tiffany Haddish and has the same general moxie that the Girls Trip star is known for. Between her and Ford’s furry counterpart, the new pets should only help to mix things up, as far as the movie’s comedy is concerned.

While The Secret Life of Pets 2 trailers haven’t focused much on the film’s plot, the story is starting to become clearer now. Judging by the trailers, Max and Duke will get up to various shenanigans on Rooster’s farm, shortly after Katie takes Max on an entirely unwelcome trip to the vet’s (see also: his cone here). Meanwhile, it appears that Snowball the white rabbit (Haddish’s Night School costar Kevin Hart) and Daisy will go on an adventure in the city, with Snowball passing himself off as - what else - a superhero. It all sounds pretty irreverent and silly, but that’s no doubt what fans of the original movie expect and are looking forward to from the sequel.

MORE: Gidget Learns to Be a Cat in Secret Life of Pets 2 Trailer

Source: Illumination

  • The Secret Life of Pets 2 Release Date: 2019-06-07