In the video, she referenced that Harrison died at 3:35 pm. She likewise added that he went rapidly and didn’t endure. Further, she referenced that despite the fact that they are devasted by his end, they are likewise glad that he is at this point not in torment.

Tribute: Is Harrison Frost Dead? Reason for Death Revealed Harrison Frost is purportedly dead. His passing was reported by his mom on lip-sync stage. As indicated by the child’s mom, Whitney Frost, the child was seen as determined to have INAD.

This is an extremely uncommon infection and just 16 children in the US have this uncommon and dangerous illness. As indicated by her, beginning and end was typical in the underlying days yet a year later, the children started to relapse quieted down, strolling, and eating all alone.

They were very devasted when they were first determined to have the illness. The family likewise made a Gofundme page to help pay for another medication. Notwithstanding, she posted a video on TikTok today reporting her child Harrison’s passing.

Where Could Harrison Frost Sister Riley Frost Now be? Riley Frost is the sister of Harrison Frost. Alongside Harrison, she likewise experienced terminal ailments called juvenile neuroaxonal dystrophy. It is a hereditary illness and the two guardians are transporters yet until their kids started giving indications of it, they won’t ever know.

— mother of dragons (@mothero86864571) January 2, 2022

Per the source, Riley looked sound upon entering the world without any indications of any disease. Truth be told, she was in any event, taking care of herself three years prior. Like Harrison, sister Riley was likewise in harm’s way. In any case, there is no data about her on the web. In light of this, apparently she is as yet alive while her brother Harrison died on January 2, 2021.

Harrison Frost Age At Death: How Old Was He? Harrison Frost’s died at 5 years old years old. Her accurate age and birth date have not yet been uncovered to people in general as presently. Similarly, his sister Riley was two years more established than Harrison.