Albus Dumbledore is not only one of the most fascinating characters in the Harry Potter universe but he will also go down in history as one of the most beloved fictional characters of all time. The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not only cherished because of the endless wisdom he provides, but he is also praised for his quirky charm that could put Zooey Deschanel out of business. Seriously. He sees a good pair of socks in the Mirror of Erised. He has a scar on his left knee shaped like the map of underground London. He has a friggin hair tie for his beard with cute little bells on it. It doesn’t get much more quirky than that!

Yet sometimes even the greatest wizard of all time can slip up and make some logistical mistakes that can put others around him in serious jeopardy. Especially young children. Which is seriously problematic. I guess they don’t call him DUMBledore for nothing…

Check out our list of memes which prove Dumbledore’s messed up logic throughout the series! (We still love the old man though. He’s like our crazy grandpa with an abundance of quotes that are so powerful, we want to tattoo them on our ankles.)


Okay, let’s just be honest here- The wizarding world was extremely inconsiderate and cold towards Muggles. This is not to say that The Dursley’s weren’t awful human beings but come on Dumbledore. You could do a little more to pay your respects and condolences to Petunia. JK Rowling has even admitted Petunia’s deep love for her sister Lily and this has been proven as well in a deleted scene from the film franchise in Deathly Hallows Part 1.

In the deleted scene, Petunia tells Harry “You didn’t just lose a mother that night in Godric’s Hollow, you know. I lost a sister.” Our hearts still break at that scene which was sadly cut from the film. It gave Petunia much more character as opposed to the two-dimensional version of her that we got throughout the entire series. Yet in Dumbledore’s eyes, there’s no time to be polite. They have to leave baby HP on the doorstep for dramatic effect.


So it turns out Dumbledore was flat out lazy when it came to hiding the sorcerer’s stone aka the most powerful stone in the world. This whole theory that Albus Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of all time is starting to feel like a total joke because in what world would a brilliant man make a trap in order to keep out The Dark Lord that would be easy enough for eleven-year-olds to get through? We get it, Hermione’s really smart and can charm her way (literally) through the traps. We get it, Ron’s really good at chess and that somehow helps them get to the stone. But really? These kids are barely even human they’re so young, and even they could do it. Try harder next time, Albus!


Are we just supposed to ignore the fact that Dumbledore is absolutely terrible at doing background checks on the professors he chooses to hire? What is up with that? If Albus Dumbledore is supposed to be the wisest wizard to ever live, wizards must be seriously “dim-witted” as Hermione would put it. First, he hires a teacher that LITERALLY HAS LORD VOLDEMORT ATTACHED TO THE BACK OF HIS HEAD which puts a whole new meaning to “The back of your head is ridiculous!”.

Then he hires an arrogant prick named Lockhart who cares more about the cleanliness of his fingernails than the safety of his students. The list of bad teachers goes on and on throughout the remainder of the books/movies (let us not forget our favorite, Professor Umbridge.) It’s honestly so problematic that Dumbledore would be this oblivious when it comes to hiring decent staff for his school. You had one job, Albus! One job!


We all know JK Rowling has been under scrutiny lately by her fans for continuously adding new and unnecessary information to the Harry Potter canon in order to make the series seem more progressive and “woke” than it actually was.

Yet perhaps this is just Rowling wanting desperately to cling on to the series that basically defined her life for over a decade of her life. We understand that Rowling doesn’t want to let go of Potter and we never want to let go of it either, but this new information to the canon has to stop. It’s just too much and it fails to add much to the books and films we all know and love. This meme perfectly describes Rowling’s need to unleash a version of HP that was pretty different from the canon of the books.


When Albus decides to give Harry and Draco detention during their first year at Hogwarts for something minor, he thinks the best form of punishment for them is to drop the kids off in the middle of the Forbidden Forest. FacePalm. Most professors would simply have their kids write a 500-word essay, but you know. Everyone has their own teaching methods. We get it, Dumbledore needs Harry to go into the forbidden forest in order to strengthen him up so he can eventually fight Voldemort, but the whole situation just seems completely unfair if not downright cruel. Yeah, Draco can be a “right foul git,” but at the end of the day, he is still a kid. No one deserves that kind of punishment, especially young children.


The fact that Dumbledore pictures himself in a good pair of socks while looking into the Mirror of Erised makes us automatically wonder what kind of socks we’re talking about here. Does he mean those fun socks with quirky phrases and curse words on them that you can buy at local hipster shops? Does he mean knee-high socks? Fishnet socks?? We need to know! Yet regardless of what kind of socks Dumbledore chooses, we know he’ll pick the right pair because as Kingsley puts it Order of the Phoenix, “You can’t deny. Dumbledore’s got style.”


The magical world is a strange place. It is chock full of contradictions, especially when it comes to the subject of death. It is heavily explained in the Potter series that under no circumstances will Harry be able to see his parents again, yet on the other hand, the time turner exists so Harry and Co. are able to use it to stop Buckbeak’s demise. What’s up with Dumbledore’s priorities when it comes to “saving lives”? Sure, Buckbeak was a badass hippogriff, but wouldn’t the time turner be better off if you could go back and save human lives as well? We’re all for the justice of hippogriffs, but it makes us scratch our heads over Dumbledore’s logic here.


What if the real reason behind Harry Potter’s famous lightning bolt shaped scar was the result of Dumbledore carelessly dropping him on The Dursley’s front porch? We already know how he broke Aunt Petunia’s heart in ink when he informed her about Lily’s death, so who is to say he didn’t take more careless precautions when it came to the whole situation? Although it is highly unlikely that this scenario actually went down, it’s still pretty hilarious to imagine. Classic DUMBledore. (We still love him though.)


Let’s be totally honest here - Gryffindor was put on a serious pedestal throughout the Harry Potter series. Hufflepuffs have feelings too, you know. Even Slytherins have the occasional emotion, Dumbledore. Gryffindors at Hogwarts are like high school theater kids. Although they like to portray themselves as underdogs, a good chunk of them suffer from a serious superiority complex. Dumbledore will give 10 points to Gryffindor for every time they breathe or blink. To say that Hogwarts treats all students equally is a great big pile of rubbish!


Further proof that Dumbledore only cares about Gryffindors. What the hell, Albus? Are you just going to let all the Slytherin students get crushed by a giant troll with terrible CGI? That’s just cruel, dude. Unless the headmaster simply forgot the fact that the Slytherin dormitory resides in the dungeons, it just shows how he doesn’t consider Slytherins at all. We’re pretty sure he’d never make this mistake if the Gryffindor dormitory was in the dungeons! Never thought we’d feel this bad for Malfoy, but the moment has finally arrived.