Harry Potter is a series that has created a rabid fandom. And as such, that means that there are countless memes being created basically every day. After all, this is fandom voracious and observant. It seems like every element of the world has been picked apart through memes, from the Hogwarts houses to the characters, and everything in between.

On that note; let’s talk about Ravenclaws. Ravenclaws are said to be witty and wise and are generally known to be bookish. While Ravenclaw might get a little bit ignored in the series – the fans have made up for any lacking.

Here are our top ten Ravenclaw memes. And trust us, the Ravenclaws in the crowd are going to appreciate these ones.

Is This the Ravenclaw Symbol?

Perhaps the biggest pet peeve of all Ravenclaws: the misunderstanding of what their symbol is. The only thing more annoying, potentially, is the misrepresentation of the house colors (it’s bronze guys, not silver!).

Many might assume that the house animal for Ravenclaw is a raven. But you would be wrong. The symbol is actually an eagle. And yet pop cultural items can’t stop themselves from including a raven on everything. It’s insane. And thus, jokes like these have emerged.

You Know You’re A Ravenclaw When…

Oh man, if ever there was a meme more accurate, it’s this one. The Sorting Hat is believed to be able to see into the minds of its wearers. And that might not be a great thing for the Sorting Hat. For one thing, that means it’s looking into the minds of a whole lot of preteens. And for another, that means the Ravenclaws must drive it nuts.

Perhaps that is how it identifies a Ravenclaw? By finding the overactive minds that won’t stay quiet for even a single moment? That actually sounds fairly believable, doesn’t it? Sorry, Sorting Hat. But we’re also not all that sorry.

Ravenclaw House

How many of you have done exactly this? Pushed yourself to the extreme to get a project done, only to exhaust all of your creative energies. And thus never actually finishing the project? It’s okay to raise your hands, we’re all friends here.

We can picture the common room of Ravenclaw being full of half or mostly finished projects. And books, lots of books. Somehow that just seems appropriate, don’t you think?

Also, we don’t like how seen this meme makes us feel. Make it stop.


Um. Wow. Is there ever a meme out there that better represents all of our feelings about this? The only way it could be better is if it also included the color swap that tends to happen for our house.

We know that this is the second meme on our list harping on the whole raven debacle. But like we said, it’s a major irritant to many a fan. The fact that there are so many memes out there about this should be telling enough, don’t you think?

That’s So Ravenclaw

There’s nothing quite like seeing two of our favorite fandoms getting merged together into one meme. Here Harry Potter/Ravenclaw meets the beloved That’s So Raven. And you’ve got to admit, the phrase kind of works here.

Also, if you didn’t read this meme in the singsong voice that goes with the theme song, then you need to go and binge a whole lot more That’s So Raven. Because you clearly need more of that in your life.

When Memes Collide!

We love that this meme basically merges four memes into one. First, as much as we hate to admit it, but yeah Gryffindor is totally the ridiculously photogenic guy. The only way this could be more accurate is if the ridiculously photogenic guy also happened to steal the center of attention all the time.

Then there’s Slytherin. And yeah, this meme matches too. If not for personality (though for some it is), then certainly for the way they’re perceived. Then there’s our beloved Ravenclaw! And yes, we absolutely are the nerdy science cat. And ouch, Hufflepuff. Perhaps Hufflepuff’s nature is just harder to show off in a single meme comparison?

How Many Students Does it Take to Change a Light-bulb?

We could read these jokes all day, every day. Which is awesome, because there are hundreds of them out there. But this one is one of the best ones out there. You’ve heard of the old joke: how many [insert person or thing here] does it take to change a light-bulb?

Well, here that joke has split up the Hogwarts houses and how they would go about doing it. And frankly? This is so spot on. We laughed until we cried. And then laughed some more.

What Ravenclaws Do

No Ravenclaw meme collection would be completed without at least one meme showing off the difference in perception about Ravenclaws. Here we six different scenarios, all of which are a twist on the classics; what each of the three other houses thinks of us, what Harry thinks we are/do, our perception of ourselves, and what we actually do.

Once again, this meme is making us feel so seen! Because yeah, we’d like to all think we’re the whimsical literary character in a series. But we’re just as likely to be the loopy one that nobody understands.

The Reason Why Harry Isn’t In Ravenclaw

There are dozens of jokes circulating the internet about why Harry Potter didn’t end up in Ravenclaw. But this is perhaps one of the best ones out there. If you were in a situation where you desperately wanted to get your hands on a letter in the room pictured, what would you do?

Would you: a.) try and catch one that’s floating in the air b.) grab one off the ground and run. If you answered a, you’re probably not a Ravenclaw. Then again, a Ravenclaw would have known better than to try and open the first letter in front of the Dursleys in the first place, so it’s a moot point.

House Puns

We love this collection of drawings of House puns, and the reactions that follow. And we’re not just saying that because the Ravenclaw is the coolest one shown. Nope, not one bit. But seriously, Ravenclaws are apparently Wolverine in the pun world? That sounds like a major win to us! Unless those claws cut up our books, in which case you can have the claws back.