If you really think about it, there aren’t really that many career options for Hogwarts students once they leave the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sure, they can pursue a job as an Auror. Sure they can work as a professor at Hogwarts. Sure they can work at the Ministry of Magic.

But what about other career options? Do they have to limit themselves as witches and wizards to only work magical jobs? We hope not, which is exactly why we are making this list of the best muggle jobs for Hogwarts students in the Potter universe once they leave school.


If anyone deserves to be a motivational speaker in the magical universe, it should be Neville Longbottom. He was one of those inspirational characters who started out as the weakest link, yet as time went on, he turned into the most courageous wizard Hogwarts has ever seen.

Everyone loves hearing stories of hope when a person starts out with nothing and ends up with everything. We can totally see the Herbology lover giving Ted Talks about his own experiences at school that eventually helped lead to the death of the darkest wizard in the history of the wizarding world.


Without a doubt, Fred and George would pursue a career in the field of comedy. These lovable Weasley twins were the comic relief throughout the entire Potter series and we absolutely love them for that because, at times, JK Rowling’s universe got straight up dark. We can totally see these two having their own Comedy Central special as well, or perhaps they’d succeed in taking the same path as Key and Peele by doing sketch comedy bits.


Hermione absolutely adores school. Following the rules along with consistent learning is her bread and butter, and in a way, we feel as though our favorite straight-A student would be totally lost without schooling. We think if Hermione were to take up any career, it would be as a university professor at a top-notch school.

That way, she gets to go to school every day while simultaneously having the opportunity to boss others around (aka her favorite pastime). Sounds like it would be killing two birds with one stone for Ms. Granger!


Ron Weasley may not be the smartest person in the room, nor the suavest, but when it comes to his chess-playing abilities, Weasley truly is our king. He is an expert at wizard’s chess, which probably means he would be just as skilled at playing “muggle” chess. As strange as “professional chess player” sounds, there is a career for everything these days, including getting paid to play this ancient game.


Cedric Diggory has an extremely warm aura to him and he is excellently skilled when it comes to letting people feel at ease. He has a natural way of helping people with their biggest struggles even though he asks for nothing in return. It is just the way he is. Because of this, we think he would be a wonderful guidance counselor, leading people into feeling better about the issues that weigh on them the most.


Although this would ultimately lead to eternal doom and the end of the world as we know it, we think Draco Malfoy would most likely pursue a career in politics. This is not only due to the fact that his father Lucious Malfoy is a politician, (and Draco is notorious for following his father in everything he does), but there are several other reasons as to why we think this would be the case.

For one, the Slytherin trouble maker is extremely passionate when it comes to how he thinks the world should be. Since he actively discusses how he’d prefer the magical universe to function, it seems like he would pursue politics in order to make that change. (Yikes!).


Luna Lovegood is known for being the quirky oddball of the Harry Potter series. She would need to have a job that reflects her personality to the fullest, and an office job just wouldn’t make the cut. The Quibbler-reader would need a career path that can accurately match her creative, strange, and calming persona, and we think a fulltime job as an ASMR Youtuber would be the perfect fit for her. The world of ASMR seems like the ideal place for Luna Lovegood, and it is without question that her videos would go viral because it feels like a job she was simply born to do.


If anyone understands what it is like to have a rough childhood, it’s Harry Potter. Not only did he spend the better part of his earliest years locked inside of a cupboard underneath the staircase, but he also spent his teenage years left with no choice but to defeat the darkest wizard of all time. If anyone knows the pains of young adulthood and child neglect, it’s Harry. He has the skills to help a lot of young people due to his tragic history and we feel as though Harry’s kind-hearted personality would respond well to children.


Being a good hairstylist takes a whole lot of work. In a world where Yelp dominates businesses, beauticians often rely on positive reviews from their clients, so the pressure is on for people who choose this career path to get good reviews. Not only do these stylists have to be skilled in the art of delivering a good haircut, but they also benefit from having excellent social skills. It is quite common for a bond to form between hairstylists and their clients because clients are trusting their stylists with their hair. Because of these bonds, clients often feel comfortable talking to their stylists as though they have been besties for years.

Tonks would be the best hairstylist because not only does her hair constantly change colors, but she is an excellent friend and conversationalist. Who wouldn’t want to have her as a stylist?


Once upon a time, before Sirius Black was ever a prisoner in Azkaban, he was a student at Hogwarts along with Harry’s parents. He is known by his friends during his school years as “Padfoot” which is the name of his animagus. His animagus is a dog, which is why we think he would be the perfect professional dog walker. Because he knows what it’s like to be a dog himself, we would definitely trust this man with our pets.