The Harry Potter franchise is special in many ways. At least two generations have already grown up either reading or watching the story of the Boy Who Lived (or doing both). No wonder it holds such a special place in the hearts of many reluctant readers and hardcore fans alike.

But even though every character J.K. Rowling created is unique, you could still see some stereotypical traits they possess (not that it makes them any less interesting). Here are 10 Main Harry Potter Characters And What Their Muggle High School Stereotype Would Be.

Cho Chang

They might have done Cho Chang dirty when they made her the one to betray Dumbledore’s Army in the movies, but she was innocent and more likable in the books. Cho is the definition of a smart and sporty girl who also happens to be kind and beautiful. She was the only girl on Ravenclaw’s Quidditch and turned out to be a decent Seeker.

Cho definitely fits the Popular Girl stereotype with the exception that she isn’t actually stupid. Cho was lucky to be dating one of the most popular guys, Cedric Diggory, before his unfortunate death. Then, she also dated Harry Potter himself which only signifies how much she was loved.

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory could actually make a decent Gryffindor, but even as Hufflepuff he managed to achieve so much acknowledgment and recognition. Even before participating in the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric was loved by fellow students thanks to being the Seeker on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and a prefect too.

During the Tournament, his popularity grew even more which made him the Popular Guy. Besides, he dated Cho Chang, the Popular Girl. It’s a pity such a great character died before he could unleash his full potential.

Ginny Weasley

Despite being at the center of the second book, Ginny Weasley was not a significant character until much later when she joined Dumbledore’s Army and eventually married the Chosen One. Being the youngest child in her family (and the only girl) probably had an impact on her personality.

This is why Ginny would fit the Quiet Girl stereotype. Harry had no idea she was responsible for the events surrounding the Chamber of Secrets simply because she was always “in the shadows” and nobody really noticed her. Thankfully, her brothers started paying more attention to their sister after she almost died…

Fred & George Weasley

Fred and George Weasley are the ones everyone wishes were their friends. They are charismatic, funny, creative, and so many other things most people aspire to be. But most importantly, they don’t have a care in the world and are brave enough to pursue their passion for pranks.

Simply put, Fred and George are the Troublemakers. They are always at the center of the most important events happening at school and they are often the ones behind “accidents”. In one of the later books, such behavior did pay off when they let out fireworks inside the Great Hall during Umbridge’s reign and flew away on their brooms.

Luna Lovegood

Despite Luna being sorted into Ravenclaw, she could have been a Gryffindor all along. Nevertheless, she does have all the features of a Ravenclaw. She has an inquisitive mind and her own creative approach to solving problems that are not that easy to come across. However, the girl is also considered… weird.

Luna Lovegood is the Outcast. She acts strangely and talks about weird things which ultimately drives everyone away from her. Luckily, that doesn’t perplex Luna one bit. She likes being the way she is. Besides, she does find true friends in the end.

Neville Longbottom

Neville is one of the most underrated characters in the whole franchise, but many fans have acknowledged his importance and love him dearly. At first, it might have seemed like a misunderstanding to put him into Gryffindor, but then it turned out that Neville is actually one of the bravest characters!

Nevertheless, it’s safe to say that for the majority of his teenage years, Neville was the Loner. He did hang out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but that was about it. Most of the time he was all alone, too shy to come up to anyone and start a conversation and scared of Snape more than anything else in his life.

Draco Malfoy

Draco is somewhat similar to Batman: they are both rich and they are both Slytherins. But that’s where similarities stop. Draco is a complicated character who was constantly torn between doing what’s right and following in the footsteps of his family. Ultimately, he chose to be one of the good guys.

That being said, Draco often appeared to be the Bully. He didn’t just make fun of Harry but also of everyone Harry knew and even of those Harry didn’t know. Perhaps it was a pleasure for Draco to be this way. Thankfully, J.K. Rowling decided to give him a redemption arc that he deserved.

Hermione Granger

Hermione is definitely one of the most well-known female characters of the 21st century. She has become a role model for so many young girls who aspired to be just as smart as she is. And yet, let’s not forget about Hermione’s worse side that is often being glossed over.

Hermione is the Nerd, and not always in a good way. Her obsession with good grades would often turn her into a bossy person who didn’t care about anything apart from school (see: “I’m going to bed before either of you think up of a clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled!”). No wonder she argued with Ron so much.

Ron Weasley

Many fans relate to Ron just because they know of the struggle of being the middle child. Despite later becoming an accomplished student and wizard, at earlier years of his studies, Ron would often worry about being a failure in his family. The fact that his best friend was seen as one of the most powerful wizards in history didn’t really help his self-esteem.

Ron is the best example of what it feels like being the Average Kid. You don’t have any actual talents or skills, but you do fine in most of your classes. You aren’t the best Quidditch player (or soccer for Muggles), but you really wish you were. The good news is that you can still aspire to be great and constantly work towards your dream.

Harry Potter

It would seem like an obvious choice to regard Harry as the Popular Kid, but his status at Hogwarts has seen so many ups and downs that it would be a lie to say that he was always popular. There probably hasn’t been another Hogwarts student who had to go through as many adventures and trouble as Harry did.

Being the Gryffindor that he is, Harry would often break the rules which leads us to believe that he is the Rebel. Harry is the kind who will try to find out the truth no matter what it costs him (even if they get expelled). He doesn’t take “no” for an answer and always does things his own way which is pretty admirable.