In Harry Potter, the Hogwarts houses separate children based on their personalities and abilities. While three of the Hogwarts houses are associated with good traits overall, Slytherin is one that gets a bad reputation and is associated with bad wizards and witches.

This isn’t entirely fair though as many people sorted into this house are not bad, and they also have many good traits. There are also many characters from Harry Potter who show cowardly traits, regardless of the house they are sorted into and some of the evil wizards to come out of Slytherin are the most cowardly of all.

Here are the 10 most cowardly Slytherins of the whole series.


Salazar Slytherin might have been one of the four founders of Hogwarts, but this doesn’t mean he’s known for his bravery.

There’s something that feels distinctly cowardly about a person who will only teach students who they feel have the right ancestry. This makes him seem rather close-minded and cowardly in a sense. Plus, on top of all that, he literally created a secret chamber with a monster inside it because he couldn’t get his way. This seems especially sneaky.


Horace Slughorn is a rather interesting character in many ways. He’s actually one of the few Slytherins who gets somewhat of a good rap in the books, especially when compared to many others from the house.

He did have a brave moment when he brought reinforcements from Hogwarts to aid in the Battle of Hogwarts. So, he’s definitely brave in some ways. But, his cowardice about his time as a mentor to Tom Riddle wasn’t a great moment for us, which is why he’s on this list.


Dolores Umbridge is a character who is unsurprisingly a Slytherin. This is because she represents the dark and bad traits of the house. She’s extremely cunning, manipulative, and cruel. And, she’s also very much a coward.

She never really does anything that puts herself at risk and uses the power of other people to shield her. And, the way she acts around those she calls “half-breeds” reveals how scared and cowardly she is deep down inside. Plus, what kind of person tortures children? Not a good or brave one.


Pansy Parkinson is a Slytherin who is at school at the same time as Harry and crew. She is often hanging out with Draco Malfoy, and they seem to have a romantic relationship at certain times. She is definitely not known for being brave or good.

She’s rather rude, and she spends much of her time at Hogwarts making fun of and bullying other people. This is definitely a cowardly thing to do and reveals more about her and her own issues than it does about anyone she treated poorly.


Marcus Flint is another student who is at school at the same time as Harry, although he’s older than him. He is a chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team and also the captain of the team for a time.

He’s definitely cowardly in how he acts in Quidditch. He uses underhanded tactics to try to win, and he’s just quite violent in his overall interactions. Using violence and breaking rules to try to win a game is definitely not the actions of a brave person, so he’s in the cowardly category for sure.


Millicent Bulstrode is another Slytherin student from Harry’s year. She is mostly talked about in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Hermione tries to turn into her using Polyjuice Potion.

One of the most memorable things about this character is during the dueling club when she tries to use physical strength to beat Hermione, instead of magic. This seems like quite the cowardly thing to do. Using brute strength also doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it’s the coward’s way out when going up against a great witch like Hermione.


Vincent Crabbe is one of two of Malfoy’s main cronies during his time at school. Crabbe doesn’t really have much of a personality, and mostly he is rather dumb and brutish.

It seems like his main goals are to listen to Malfoy, eat sweets, and bully other people using his large size. There is nothing about any of his actions that is brave or chivalrous. The way he treats people and how he goes along with everything Malfoy does makes him a coward.


Gregory Goyle is the other one of Malfoy’s main bodyguards in the Harry Potter series. In fact, Goyle and Crabbe are talked about together so often, they almost seem like the same person in many ways.

It’s hard to determine which one is the most cowardly as they are about equal. Although Goyle does seem to be less aggressive towards trying to hurt the trio during the Battle of Hogwarts, so he might be a bit less evil than Crabbe.


This might be a controversial inclusion on this list as Harry himself said that Snape was one of the bravest people he ever knew. While Snape might have had some big moments of bravery, he definitely showed a lot of moments of  cowardice too.

One of the most cowardly things he ever did was when he was fine with Voldemort murdering James and Harry and only caring about if Lily survived.


Voldemort might be one of the most powerful wizards of all time, but he’s a coward through and through.

He might have lots of moments of trying to be the big bad guy and reveal his power, but his beliefs make him a big coward. His entire ideology is based on hate and fear, and this is the core of being a coward. He is truly vile, and the way he treats others makes him the biggest coward of all.