In the Harry Potter series, the Weasley family is one of the most beloved and solid families of all. They are all about doing the right thing and sacrifice a lot to fight against Voldemort both before and after he comes back to power.

While the Weasleys are heroic in many ways, and overall good people, this doesn’t mean they don’t have their flaws. Each of the members of the Weasley family have their moments where they are shameless with the things they do, but this is what makes them interesting as characters. Here are the ten most shameless things the Weasleys ever did.

Ginny Having a Blatant Puppy Love Crush on Harry

Just because something is shameless doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong or something to look down on. When Ginny is young, she has a huge crush on Harry, and she’s not good at hiding it.

This young love crush is rather embarrassing and shameless, but she definitely means well. As she gets older, however, Ginny gets over being super embarrassed whenever she’s around Harry, and they actually end up together.

When Molly Believed What Rita Skeeter Wrote About Hermione

Molly Weasley is overall a very caring and compassionate person. She is very welcoming to both Harry and Hermione and has them over to her house for holidays and summers many times.

However, when Rita Skeeter publishes lies about Hermione saying that Hermione is breaking Harry’s heart, Molly believes this. It’s unfortunate to see her act differently toward Hermione because of this until Harry sets her straight.

Arthur Weasley Enchanting the Ford Anglia

Arthur Weasley is the head of the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts at the Ministry, so it was his job to keep enchanted Muggle artifacts from being made and used. However, he himself would take Muggle items and enchant them for his own purposes. The most blatant example of this is how he made the Ford Angelina fly.

This was definitely against the law and also looked really bad since his entire job was about stopping people from doing that kind of thing.

Fred and George Testing Their Products on First Years

Fred and George are well-loved by fans because of their outgoing and hilarious personalities. While their love of pranks and jokes isn’t a bad thing, they can definitely take things too far at times.

Testing their products on first years definitely isn’t ethical and is also against the rules at Hogwarts. That’s not to mention the time they tricked Dudley into eating a ton-tongue toffee. They clearly have no shame about these kinds of behaviors and instead, find them funny.

When Molly Tried to Act More Important to Harry Than Sirius

Molly is definitely one of the most important parental figures in Harry’s life. During Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, both Molly and Sirius are trying their best to look out for Harry, but they have different approaches to this.

While Molly’s heart might be in the right place, it definitely was pretty brash of her to assume that she was the only adult who was looking out for Harry. It’s no wonder Sirius got upset about this even if he was being too harsh on Molly.

How Ron Treated the Girls He Liked

Ron Weasley is one of the main characters of the Harry Potter series other than Harry himself. While Ron has many good qualities, he also has quite a few moments where he’s shameless. Some of his most blatantly bad behavior relates to how he treats the girls he dates or have crushes on.

He routinely is rude to Hermione and takes things out on her unfairly. He can also be super jealous. Then, he dates Lavender Brown and doesn’t even have the guts to break up with her when he’s tired of dating her.

Not Treating Fleur Like a Part of the Family

While the Weasleys are often pretty open-minded people who accept new people into their home, this wasn’t really the case with Fleur. Most of the family, especially Molly, assumed that she was vain and vapid and really only interested in Bill for his looks.

They definitely didn’t give her much of a chance, but, in the end, Fleur proved that she was a loyal partner to Bill and the Weasley family saw that they were wrong about her.

Fred and George Putting Montague in the Vanishing Cabinet

When it comes to the Slytherins, they are some of the worst bullies at school. Given how some of them treat their fellow students, it’s hard to feel too bad about people getting back at them.

However, when Fred and George put Montague in the Vanishing Cabinet, they go too far. They aren’t worried at all about if he ends up dead, and, at the very least, they should have been worried about whether they would get in legal trouble.

Ron Leaving Harry and Hermione on the Horcrux Hunt

Of all of the times that Ron acts shamelessly in his friendships with Harry and Hermione, the worst is when he abandons them while on their hunt to find the Horcruxes. While some of his actions are because of the locket, the locket really just made his feelings he already had more extreme.

This is definitely one of Ron’s lowest moments in the entire series, but it was extremely believable and in line with his character. While this might be a brash moment of poor judgment and lack of loyalty, Ron does come back to them in the end and regrets that he left them in the first place.

When Percy Believed the Ministry Over His Family

While most of the family stays rather close during the series, Percy Weasley is the only member that goes against his family and believes the Ministry. He is rather shameless in how he goes from being Harry’s friend and supporting his family to believe the lies of the Ministry of Magic.

Percy goes so far as to write a letter to Ron telling him to stop being friends with Harry. He definitely lets his own career goals and desire to believe that everything is fine cloud his judgment, and he ends up having to swallow his pride and admit he was completely wrong in the end.