Have you and your local group of fellow Gryffindors ever been hanging out together and wondering what television shows you all might enjoy? Of course, you haven’t, because that’s not a thing people do; however, if it were, there are certainly a variety of different shows that the golden lions could indulge on.

It’s hard to narrow down a show’s precise sorting when it comes to which house they’d attend at Hogwarts since, ultimately, a show has to have a whole different array of characters and story-lines to appeal to a wider audience. Regardless, we’ve chosen this list of 10 shows that every member of Godric’s house ought to take a look at.

The Mandalorian

We promise that Disney Plus isn’t paying us to endorse them, but one of their first original series to kick-off their streaming platform has already begun to turn heads all over the galaxy and it’s already established that it’s the perfect show for a Gryffindor.

The Mandalorian follows a bounty hunter (like Boba or Jango Fett) in the Star Wars universe who (SPOILER) encounters a ‘baby Yoda’ creature that is supposed to be terminated on a bounty. Instead, Mando takes the child into his care and has been protecting it from other hunters for the entirety of the season. Going rogue to save a helpless child? That’s a Gryffindor.

Friday Night Lights

Some of the key attributes of Gryffindors are their courageousness, bravery, and capability of overcoming adversity, and the characters on Friday Night Lights have those attributes by the busload. The sports drama set in the fictional town of Dillon, Texas portrayed perfectly how a small-town football team can mean so much more to such a tightly knit community that doesn’t have a whole lot else to cheer about.

The small-town aspect of the show allows it to really touch base on a lot of key problems in the American culture system. Addressing important situations such as those makes Friday Night Lights a great fit for a Gryffindor.

Game of Thrones

This is a show that every single member of Hogwarts could find a character to relate too, but there are actually a surprising number of Gryffindors residing within Westeros. Virtually every single Stark could be considered a Gryffindor, with a possible exception of Bran being a Ravenclaw since he is the Three-Eyed Raven and knows everything.

Add in every Lannister except for Cersei (their banner is a Golden Lion, after all) as well as characters like Dany, Brienne, Tormund, The Hound, and countless others. It isn’t hard to see that the Gryffindor common room would be filled to the brim if Hogwarts were in Westeros.


Even though it’s only been around for two seasons (and those two seasons were already spaced pretty far apart), Atlanta has firmly established itself as one of the best comedies of the past decade, and it’s the perfect show for any Gryffindor to kick back with.

Donald Glover’s character, Earn, takes on the role of manager for his rapper-cousin, Paper Boy, and unsurprisingly runs into a few speed bumps along the way. However, Earn is the type of character who quickly learns to overcome the trashy hand that life has dealt him, molding himself into the embodiment of the golden-lion spirit. Even Gryffindor members gotta eat.

American Ninja Warrior

Gryffindors are basically known as the ‘jocks’ of the wizarding world and are widely regarded as being the most athletically gifted when it comes to the four different houses. So, naturally, a reality show about watching the most athletic individuals in America compete for a million dollars would assuredly be found on every Gryffindor’s television screen.

In fact, if you go down the entire list of every Ninja Warriors competing in the series, you’d be hard-pressed to find an individual that wouldn’t be sorted into the house that Godric built.

Parks & Recreation

It’s actually rather difficult to find a comedy series that can consider itself a golden lion because most of them are too goofy, warranting a spot in Hufflepuff, or are a little too mean or dark in their jokes, resulting in a trip to the dungeon common-room (Slytherin).

However, with pure-hearted characters like Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson leading the charge, and honorable mentions such as April, Ben, Chris, Ann, and Donna all having a possible chance at being drafted by Gryffindor, it’s not hard to see why Parks and Recreation would be an easy decision for the Sorting Hat.


This particular show could get a little tricky when it comes to its sorting and could realistically be a “hat-stall” when it finally arrives at the Great Hall (a show that takes the Sorting Hat more than five minutes to decide). Now, the other houseMythbusters would fall into is Ravenclaw since the show is all about busting myths, or in layman’s term, proving things right or wrong.

Ordinarily, that would dictate the show be more popular among golden eagles due to its academic nature. However, Mythbusters isn’t purely academic as they often take extreme, and dangerous, methods to bust whatever myths they’re testing. For that adventurous reason, we grant this show a spot among the golden lions instead.


A true underdog show that never quite got the viewership popularity that it deserved, Suits is all about a group of lawyers at the fictional law office of Pearson Specter. While that might sound like a pretty boring plot, there are many more key elements that make the show awesome, such as the fact that every person at the law office has to have graduated from Harvard Law to be employed there.

Consequently, the dialogue is constantly witty and snappy since everybody on the show is sharp as a tack. There’s lots of backstabbing and under-the-table deals that could constitute this show as a better choice for Slytherins, but thanks to characters like Harvey, Mike, and Jessica, it stays within the confines of the Gryffindor common room.

Last Week Tonight

There are very few talk shows left that actually address the real issues of society without dipping into the mind-numbing tabloids of the high-brow, celebrity lifestyle. That’s where Jon Oliver comes in, the host of Last Week Tonight, who still tells it like it is without shelling out any of his self-respect in the process.

Arguably, most talk show hosts start as comedians so they have to do whatever will earn them the most laughs; luckily, Jon Oliver is the type to tell the brutal truth and knows that audiences will still find him hilarious for it. Honestly, unless you’re in Slytherin, this show should appeal to you.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Can you honestly tell us that Aang and Harry Potter don’t have near-identical stories? A supremely gifted, parentless child who has a tyrannical dark-lord come after them when they are too young to properly understand why, leading to a life of seclusion for several years. After which, they were then trained to apprehend said tyrannical dark-lord from taking over the world while still just being a child - take your time deciding which series we were describing.

Even removing Aang from the equation, virtually every member of the main cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender (Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Iroh, Suki) would be sorted into the Gryffindor golden-lions. Although, in the Avatar universe it would probably be the golden lion-turtles instead.