For the witches and wizards that live in the world of the Harry Potter series, it’s safe to say that the sky is the limit. With magic at your fingertips it would seem that anyone could make even their wildest dreams come true. However, just like in the world of muggles, there are certain occupations in the wizarding world that are treated with more respect and reverence than others, and there are few jobs in that world that are more renowned than that of an auror.

To put it simply, an auror is a dark wizard catcher. It’s sort of like a police officer and FBI agent rolled into one. And aurors are so respected not just for the job they do, but because the rigors and requirements of the job are so intense that very few witches or wizards actually qualify. However, not everyone who is qualified for the job chooses the job either. So here are the 10 witches or wizards in the Harry Potter universe who would have made great aurors, even though they chose a different path.

Fleur Delacour

Fleur Delacour’s appearances in the Harry Potter world were relatively brief, but she was very obviously a superstar within the wizarding world. Fleur ultimately got a job working for Gringott’s bank, but that seemed to be a woeful under-use of her considerable natural abilities. Fleur was a talented enough witch that the goblet of fire chose her out of all of the other Beauxbatons students as the most capable and worthy of competing in the Tri-wizard tournament. And her veela heritage seems to give her some kind of supernatural charm, which is the kind of gift that would give her an extra edge in this line of work.

Narcissa Malfoy

It’s too bad that Narcissa Malfoy used her considerable skills as a witch and as a liar to go to the dark side of magic, because someone with her game face would have been ideal for a job like a dark wizard hunter.

In a strange way Narcissa’s ability to be emotionally and mentally detached from whatever is happening in the moment (or at least her ability to hide whatever she’s feeling in the moment) would have made her an exceptional undercover auror. She clearly has no trouble ingratiating herself with dark wizards but she’s also good at sussing out the strategically ideal times to make her moves.

Sirius Black

It’s a shame that Sirius Black never really got the opportunity to explore the wizarding world and find his proper place in it, because he likely would have made a brilliant auror if given the chance. Unlike most of the Black family, Sirius was actually morally upright enough that he would have had a vested interest in stopping dark wizards. He was powerful enough to do the job, his family connections would have enabled him to access parts of the wizarding world that many would have been cut off from, and he’s excellent at improvising and thinking on his feet.

Queenie Goldstein

Queenie Goldstein seems to be quite the rare bird, even within the insane world of witchcraft and wizardry, but if people like her exist out in the world then why would there ever be any other kind of person doing the duties of an auror? Queenie isn’t really the rough and tumble type to be sure, but being able to literally read minds seems like a priceless skill when it comes to being a dark wizard catcher. It’s not really fair to say that someone has a moral obligation to do something that they’re really good at, but if there could ever be a case made for it then this is that case.

Hermione Granger

Although Hermione did eventually work for the law enforcement division of the Ministry of Magic (she actually became the Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, in fact) she undoubtedly would have made an incredible auror.

She’s the only one of the golden trio who didn’t choose that career path, and while aurors generally seem to be very shoot from the hip kind of people it probably would have helped the entire squad of aurors to have someone like Hermione on their team. Yes, she’s a very type A, by-the-book girl, but an injection of diligence into the seemingly wild world of aurors would have been great.

Luna Lovegood

Honestly, Luna Lovegood is such a unique soul that she would have been a great addition to almost any magical career, but her particular brand of weirdness would have lent itself very well to the duties of an auror too. Discovering those who don’t want to be discovered is difficult in any circumstance, but when you add in the fact that aurors are searching for criminals with magical powers it seems infinitely more difficult. Luna’s ability to think outside the box would have been absolutely invaluable when searching for criminals who don’t confine themselves within the normal bounds and laws of the magical world.

Ginny Weasley

In case Ginny Weasley’s tenure in Dumbledore’s Army didn’t make it clear, she’s an incredibly powerful and badass witch. Ginny has proven herself as the kind of girl who isn’t afraid of a fight, and more importantly she has the strength and abilities to back up all of that courage. Ginny ultimately found her home as a professional quidditch player and then sports reporter as an adult, however becoming an auror seems like it may have been a better fit for her in the long run. Ginny is a formidable opponent in any wizard’s duel, and she’s moral enough that the work would have really mattered to her.

Severus Snape

Regardless of how anyone feels about Severus Snape after the end of Harry Potter, there is one thing that is completely undeniable. Boy, is he good at playing the long game. Finding and prosecuting dark wizards is a complex job that undoubtedly has to be adjusted to suit whatever wizard the aurors are trying to catch, but Snape seems like a good fit for the job of auror for a few reasons.

Firstly, he understands how they think. Secondly, he knows how to keep his eye on the real prize. And thirdly, he clearly isn’t afraid to go toe to toe with even the most dangerous of dark wizards.

Minerva McGonagall

Professor Minerva McGonagall obviously isn’t wasting her time as the resident transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but her insane gifts when it comes to transfiguration seem like they’d really come in handy if she had ever decided to become an auror. Minerva has clearly shown that she is not afraid to tackle any challenge, and she undoubtedly would have been able to pass the rigorous tests and requirements for becoming an auror with flying colors. But come on, we all know why she’d make an excellent auror. Being able to transform anything into anything seems like a guarantee for success in the field.

Albus Dumbledore

In retrospect it’s actually bizarre that Albus Dumbledore never even tried his hand at becoming an auror, because he is such an unstoppable force as a wizard that he has managed to go up against the two greatest dark wizards who have ever lived and actually come out the victor. Dumbledore’s powers as a wizard were unparalleled, but he’s also a genuinely good person who wants to stop dark wizards from destroying the wizarding world too. There are really no wizards or witches in the world who were powerful enough to stop him, but he was powerful enough to stop any other wizard in the world.