While there are many canon couples in the Harry Potter series, there are also many fan fiction relationships that many fans wish had been in the canon instead. People always have different ideas about which characters would be great together, but there are some couples that are more popular than others. One of the most popular ships in the Potter fandom is Draco and Harry, known sometimes as Drarry.

While many fans have pointed out that these two would have made for an exciting romance, others have pointed out that their relationship would be really problematic. Here are the five reasons why Harry and Draco would make a great couple as well as five why they’d be awful together.

Great: They Are Equal In Many Ways

Harry and Draco would be good together because of the fact that they are really evenly matched. Both of them are extremely smart and capable of magic. While they might be in the two different Hogwarts houses that hate each other the most, they do have some major similarities. They can both be really intense, and they are equals in ways that would allow them to engage and complement each other.

Awful: Draco Is A Bigoted Bully

While in a different world where Draco was a better person these two might work well together, they have some differing world views that it’s hard to see them reconciling that much. Draco might be partially awful because of how he was raised, but he still chooses to continue to believe the bigoted things his parents do. He is also someone that’s just naturally a bully. He treats the people around him horribly, and it’s hard to imagine Harry putting up with that.

Great: They Have Natural Chemistry

When it comes to romance, there is more to it than just how personality traits match up on paper. Part of romance is how much chemistry and tension two people have between them.

There’s no denying that these two have a lot of that. While it might be interpreted differently depending on how you view their relationship, Draco and Harry always have a lot of chemistry when they are around each other.

Awful: They’ve Had A Lot Of Violent Interactions

In fanfiction, there is a common trope that many people love called enemies to lovers. This is when a pair that used to be antagonistic and hate each other grow to care for one another. While there is something appealing about this, the violent nature of Harry and Draco’s relationship makes it hard to imagine them as boyfriends. They both try to injure each other many times in the series, and sometimes they succeed.

Great: They’re Both Very Invested In The Other’s Life

For better or for worse, both Harry and Draco are often really concerned about what the other one is doing. They both take turns being really involved in one another’s business.

While this might be because they don’t like each other, many fans have noticed that this intensity seems more like how it feels when someone has a crush on another person and isn’t sure how to handle it. It’s definitely the case that Harry And Draco are really worried about what each other gets up to.

Awful: Draco Has Insulted All Of Harry’s Friends

Harry is someone who is very loyal to his friends. His friendships are very important to him, and he is always sticking up for the people he cares about. So, given the fact that Draco has treated Harry’s friends horribly, it’s hard to imagine that Harry could forgive this so much. Draco always made fun of Ron for his family and being poor, and Draco called Hermione horrible slurs. It doesn’t seem like Harry could be with someone who had done these things to his best friends.

Great: They’d Challenge Each Other

In Harry Potter, Harry is someone who is rather intense and can be a little bit dramatic at times. In this way, these two would be well-matched because Draco is also like this.

Harry has a lot of talent and energy, and he would likely be best with someone who can challenge him to do better and live up to his potential. Draco could definitely do this for him. Also, Harry could definitely challenge Draco to grow as a person.

Awful: They’re Obsessive With Each Other

While many Drarry fans note that these two are rather obsessed with each other in a way that can seem romantic, there’s also an argument to be made that this is not a good thing. They are hyper-focused on each other in ways that can be unhealthy. They would likely not have a lot of balance in their relationship if this is any indication. It might be a bit too much.

Great: Harry Can Help Redeem Draco

While Draco is really messed up in a lot of ways, he does give some indication that he isn’t as bad as he was raised to be. He ends up not rating Harry to Bellatrix in Deathly Hallows, and in the Cursed Child play, he becomes a much better person than he was as a kid. Harry as a romantic partner could definitely have helped him become even kinder and helped him learn things that he wasn’t taught growing up with Death Eaters as parents.

Awful: They’re Opposites

While there are some redeeming qualities and pros about Harry and Draco being together, the fact is that they are opposites in a lot of ways. Harry is someone who often looks out for others and wants to help people while Draco’s natural inclination seems to be more to look out for himself and not care what happens to other people. This is a big difference that would make it hard for them to work together as a couple. But hey, maybe opposites attract?