The lead hero of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter is undoubtedly stated in the title. The young boy wizard is our central hero and no one will take that away from him. But, there’s no denying that his best friends, Ron and Hermione, have their fair share of heroic moments.

All three of these Gryffindors prove time and time again why they were placed in their house. In their own individual ways, Ron and Hermione often prove that they have done just as much, if not more, than Harry himself.

When Hermione Discovered What Lived In The Chamber of Secrets

In The Chamber of Secrets, Ron and Harry are left all alone to solve the mystery of the chamber, after Hermione’s petrifying encounter with the Basilisk. While the two certainly show they can save the day on their own, Hermione still offers a bit of help (even when she’s down for the count).

Harry discovers that Hermione was carrying not only the mirror with her but a ripped out page from the library book detailing the background of the monster. Without that paper, the two never would have been able to face the beast. Hermione saved the day without having to do anything.

When Ron Faked Parstletougne

The Battle of Hogwarts was chaotic, to say the least. Without Ron and Hermione both going to the Chamber of Secrets to destroy the cup, who knows if the good guys would have won? But, without Ron specifically, the pair never would have gotten there in the first place.

Ron attempts to emulate Harry by speaking in Parstletougne at the chamber entrance. Though he got lucky, the fact that he remembered any of what Harry said, let alone got the right words, saved the day.

When Hermione Was Unashamedly Herself

Hermione faces an uphill battle constantly. Not only is she outspoken and independent, but she constantly embodies her know-it-all personality without an inch of embarrassment. Though she gets bullied for it, both by students and teachers, Hermione never backs down.

Her drive to learn as much as possible and be the best she can be has only gotten the trio out of more and more trouble. Does it make her a bit of a social outcast at times? Sure, but she is always a better person because of it.

When Ron Destroyed The Lockett

This is another outstanding Horcrux moment for Ron. Being targeted by the disembodied soul of Lord Voldemort is no small task. The fact that Ron was able to overcome the insidious words of the Horcrux and his own fears was a huge moment of growth. It also put the gang on track to achieve their goal of destroying Voldemort and all his Horcruxes. Apart from Harry, Ron is most capable of destroying these items.

When Hermione Brewed Polyjuice Potion

Hermione, when she was only 12, not only suggested the trio attempt brewing Polyjuice Potion but brewed it herself. This, as she states, is one of the most difficult potions one can attempt. One small mistake could end disastrously.

Luckily, besides her feline fate, Hermione’s attempt at brewing this potion was perfect. It goes to show her ability to excel at anything she puts her mind to (and to carry the heavy load of attempting these tasks).

When Ron Remembered To Save The House Elves

Not everything from the books made it into the films. One of the best little moments of character growth for Ron appeared in the original novel version of The Deathly Hallows. In the books, Ron is constantly apathetic to the enslavement of the House Eleves, while Hermione is the exact opposite.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron suggests notifying the kitchen House Elves of the battle. At first, Harry and Hermione think he means to enlist them as soldiers. But Ron states that he wants to get them out of there and that he doesn’t want to have what happened to Dobby happen to them. This moment of sincerity from Ron showed his change of heart (and earned him his first kiss from Hermione).

When Hermione Saved The Boys From Devil’s Snare

Early on in the series, the trio had to go through multiple challenges to reach the Sorceror’s Stone. One of which was facing off against Devil’s Snare, a hungry plant that strangles its victims to death.

Hermione, luckily, listened to her studies as always. She remembered that Devil’s Snare hates sunlight, and as such, blasted the plant with rays of light with her wand. Not to mention, she also had a handy reminder to just relax, as the plant will let you go.

When Ron Was Harry’s Biggest Ally During Order Of The Phoenix

Order of the Phoenix was a tough year for Harry. Deeply traumatized by the previous year’s events, he never felt more alone. But, through it all, Ron was always there to support him. Ron shut down Seamus’ verbal attacks on Harry, stayed up while Harry had nightmares, and suffered his own bit of verbal abuse from Harry.

Learning his lesson from the previous year, Ron never took it personally. He was patient and understanding with his friend. The whole year he didn’t once lash out at Harry. This shows his greatest attribute: being the best friend anyone could ask for.

When Hermione Sacrificed Her Parent’s Memories

One of the most heartbreaking moments comes at the opening of Deathly Hallows. During the sequence, Hermione prepares to leave home and go on the quest to destroy the Horcruxes. To keep her parents safe though, she wiped all trace of herself from their home and their memories.

Though she eventually restored their memories after the war, the act of essentially wiping her existence away from her loving family is a sacrificial act worth praising. Hermione’s bravery during this moment is underrated and it ended up saving her parents.

When Ron Sacrificed Himself In Wizard’s Chess

This brave moment from Ron embodies all his best qualities. Although he can sometimes be portrayed as a bit empty-headed, Ron is a skilled tactician, putting his skills to the test in the final wizarding chess sequence.

But, it is both the logical and sacrificial move he makes at the end that shows his loyalty and bravery to do what’s right. It would mean a lot for anyone to do this, but for an eleven-year-old to make a move like that speaks volumes to their moral compass.