The true magic of Harry Potter has always been its ability to capture the imagination of readers and viewers. Spells feel like they fly off the page and fans have learned to view the characters as friends. As time has gone on, it’s become easier to understand and dissect the inner mentality of these characters. Fans love to explore what motivates and drives them, along with how they view the world around them.

Although most witches and wizards have no interest in muggle ideas and theories, if they were to take the Myers-Briggs® personality test, what would they be categorized as? What Harry Potter character suits each personality type best?

Updated on October 2nd, 2021 by Hilary Elizabeth: Considering the depth and complexity with which so many characters in the Harry Potter universe were explored, it’s not hard to find someone in the wizarding world who is well-suited to each MBTI® type. This list has been updated and expanded to include every Myers-Briggs® personality category along with a character that reflects it.

Lily Potter - ESFJ

ESFJs are social butterflies with a heart of gold, just like Lily Potter. ESFJs are talented at making friends with almost anyone, and everyone around them tends to really like them.

But theirs isn’t a superficial charm, because largely what makes this personality type so appealing is that they are so genuinely caring and principled. If an ESFJ found themselves in the thick of a wizarding war, they wouldn’t hesitate to fight for the rights of all magical folk and muggles, just as Lily Potter did.

Severus Snape - ISTJ

Severus Snape is crafty, resourceful, and holds himself in higher regard than most other people. He is a serious and quiet man, and will not tolerate any foolish wand-waving in his classroom. The professor of the subtle sciences of potion-making (and double agent for the Order of the Phoenix) is most definitely an ISTJ.

He is an introvert and prefers to work alone, albeit towards a higher goal. He is a logical thinker and planner, constantly putting himself one step ahead of others so he can continue doing what he needs to. Severus Snape defines the ISTJ’s Duty Fulfiller archetype, as his one goal in life was to make sure Lily Evans’ child would be kept safe no matter what the cost, giving his own life to do so.

Rubeus Hagrid - ISFP

Sweet, lovable Hagrid captured everyone’s hearts from the moment he busted down the door of that old shack. Hagrid is a man who prefers to let others take the spotlight and shies away from direct conflict whenever possible. This Groundskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures professor is an ISFP personality type.

Hagrid sees the good in all living things, even dangerous creatures that others have deemed ugly or monstrous. He is one of the most loyal companions anyone could ever ask for and, despite his intimidating exterior, is a big old softy on the inside. He is an excellent judge of character and will work hard to protect the things he cares about.

Dobby - INFJ

The most notable trait of any INFJ is their unflappable idealism. As introverts, they aren’t always as outspoken about their beliefs as they might want to be, but when they actually have to put their money where their mouth is, they never fail.

A character like Dobby seems like the perfect Harry Potter counterpart for the INFJ, because he truly had faith in Harry and his ability to defeat the Dark Lord. Dobby ultimately gave his life proving his convictions, just like a true INFJ.

Fred and George Weasley - ESFP

The Weasley twins’ particular brand of chaos makes figuring out their personality as obvious as a Wildfire Whiz-bang. Loud, spontaneous, and passionate in their attempts to break or bend the rules? Fred and George Weasley are ESFPs, or the “Performer” personality type.

These agents of mischief are the center of attention and enjoy making people laugh and giving everyone a good time. They are loyal and proud of their family and friends and are determined to make the lives of their enemies hell on earth. With quick wits and strong personalities, ESFPs like Fred and George are usually the life of the party.

Alastor Moody - ENTP

Alastor Moody is undoubtedly one of the greatest aurors of all time, and a large reason why he is so talented is his willingness to work outside of the box and challenge the norms of the society that he exists in.

ENTPs are commonly called “the Debater” of the MBTI®, and there is hardly a more contrarian character than Moody in the entire Harry Potter franchise. While the Alastor that Harry Potter fans got to know was mostly Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise, it’s telling that unorthodox behaviors like demonstrating the Unforgivable Curses wasn’t a surprise coming from Professor Moody.

Dolores Umbridge - ESTJ

ESTJs are typically known as “the Executive” of the MBTI®, and they treasure rules and order above almost everything else. Which unfortunately means that this personality type’s Harry Potter analog would likely be Dolores Umbridge.

Umbridge pretty much defines the term “malicious compliance,” as Dolores takes all of the guidelines, laws, and traditions of the wizarding world and uses them to control and abuse the people around her. And for all of her faults, no one can deny that she’s a very effective administrator, even if it’s in the worst way.

Luna Lovegood - INFP

Luna Lovegood’s ability to have her head in the clouds might make viewers forget that she still has her feet firmly planted on the ground. Even though she’s quiet and reflective, she can be strong and passionate when she needs to be. Her ability to see and believe in what others can’t make her a strong candidate to be an INFP.

Known as “the Idealists”, INFPs are curious, clever-minded individuals. Nargles and Blibbering Humdingers are not outside the realm of possibility for Luna, and why should they be? She holds fast to her beliefs because she sees what others don’t; a more fun and creative world. Even if these creatures don’t exist, believing in them is half the fun. Despite many calling her “Loony”, the world would be a much more interesting place if there were more Luna Lovegoods around.

Neville Longbottom - ISFJ

How far Neville comes throughout the series. From a timid Gryffindor to a confident leader, Neville shows that courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it. Despite the fear he feels, he helps his friends and protects them whenever he can. Kind, forgetful Neville Longbottom is certainly an ISFJ.

Neville’s character arc is one that grows slowly across the series, to the point that the Neville in book 1 who slept alone crying in a hallway because he couldn’t remember the dormitory password is almost unrecognizable to the Neville who uses the Sword of Gryffindor to kill Nagini at the end of the story. He is determined to protect Harry and his friends, and shows immense bravery over the last year at Hogwarts. He has a strong moral compass, and like other ISFJs works to make sure everyone is okay. But he’s content with not taking the spotlight and is happy to do what he can to help.

Ginny Weasley - ESTP

Even though she starts out quiet and shy around Harry, Ginny is actually very passionate and driven. When she eventually becomes comfortable around him, everyone finally sees her for the confident and determined young woman she always was. As such, it’s safe to say that Ginny Weasley can be categorized as an ESTP.

ESTPs are people who can go with the flow and adapt to most situations fairly well. They are quick-witted and live in the here-and-now. Ginny becomes Harry’s driving purpose in the last few books, giving him motivation and the courage to make the difficult choices he needs to make. The only girl of 7 siblings, Ginny Weasley is her own boss and doesn’t let her brothers tell her what to do. ESTPs are doers, and that title fits Ginny Weasley like a Weasley Christmas jumper.

INTJ - Voldemort - INTJ

While falling into the same MBTI® category as Voldemort might not seem thrilling on the surface, this personality type is actually incredibly intelligent and intimidating.

Often called “the Architect,” the INTJs of the world are master strategists who can see every side of a situation and plan accordingly. They may be quiet, but that just means that they are even better at accomplishing their goals with no one being the wiser, just as Tom Riddle did before he became the Dark Lord.

Albus Dumbledore - ENFJ

Albus Dumbledore is certainly a contradictory figure. He can be quiet and contemplative or he can command a room’s attention with a single word. Dumbledore may be a quiet man, but he enjoys chatting with others and giving them advice. He is both popular and sensitive, which makes Dumbledore an ENFJ candidate.

ENFJs are extremely in tune with how others are feeling and view things from an emotional, human angle. Dumbledore has enormous empathy for the plights of others and works hard to provide a space where all can learn and be safe under his guidance.

Minerva McGonagall - ENTJ

ENTJs are also known as “the Commander” of the Myers-Briggs® personality styles, and it’s hard to imagine a word that would sum up Minerva McGonagall better than “commanding”.

Although Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall’s power and authority are never questioned by any student or fellow teacher (besides Umbridge). Minerva is harsh but fair, and she never lets her preferences or prejudices inform her decisions when it comes to doing what is right or wrong, both for the Hogwarts student body and the wizarding world at large.

Hermione Granger - INTP

Hermione is logical, extremely intelligent, and quick to come up with her own theories and ideas. There’s no better candidate for being an INTP than Hermione Granger.

Known as “the Thinker,” INTPs like Hermione are usually individualistic and dislike social interaction. For Hermione’s many talents, she is certainly not a people person. However, she uses her clever mind to help those she cares about, standing behind her beliefs with a firm conviction. Undoubtedly the brains of the Golden Trio, Hermione is there to make sure Harry and Ron don’t get themselves killed…or worse, expelled.

Ron Weasley - ENFP

Ron embodies many of the traits and virtues that make ENFPs like him such stalwart friends and individuals, as well as determined and capable leaders in their own right. Weasley is our king, after all.

ENFPs are categorized by the idea that they are “Inspirers”. These are people who bring out the best qualities in others. Ron is quick to speak his mind, and despite being quick to rush into things, he is able to adapt to a situation when he needs to. Even if his ideas or choices don’t work, they allow others to work off of and pivot from what he’s done or thought of.

Harry Potter - ISTP

The Boy Who Lived. The Chosen One. Public Enemy Number One. Harry Potter has gone by many titles during the story. When looking at Harry’s personality type, a new title emerged for him; “Craftsman”, the nickname for ISTPs.

Despite the name, Craftsmen don’t have to necessarily make or create things. Rather, they’re determined individuals with a core belief system that they unwaveringly follow. Even though they are introverted by nature, ISTPs are able to lead and command others to follow their example. They’re not afraid to break the rules if it means doing the right thing, and they enjoy taking risks to see what might happen.