Hermione Granger is not what you would call a fashion plate, and that’s fine. The character goes from the adorkable early years at Hogwarts to a more mature look beginning with Goblet of Fire. As the franchise progresses, her looks become more and more no-nonsense. By the time we get to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Hermione is a seriously important witch. Her clothes say that in volumes.

And let’s not forget the hilarious occasions when Polyjuice Potions transform her looks and her clothes. Here are 10 of what we think are Hermione’s best looks.

Adorkable - The First Year

Keen (some say too keen) and eager Hermione met Ron and Harry on the Hogwarts Express. You knew in an instant that she was a bit of a know-it-all. Her look that year was robes, scarves and Gryffindor ties, accessorized by masses and masses of curly hair. And don’t forget the wand.

Years later, we have the more mature Hermione, the more no-nonsense Hermione. But even if she was a know-it-all in that first year, she looked adorkable in those robes. And don’t forget her most important fashion accessories, a book and a wand.

The Feline Look - Chamber of Secrets

It’s Harry, Ron, and Hermione versus Slytherin. Hermione has brewed up Polyjuice Potions that will make the boys look like Malfoy’s sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle. She’s going for the Millicent Bulstrode look. But only thing is that, instead of getting one of Millicent’s hairs to brew the potion with, she ends up with hair from Millicent’s cat. So Hermione channels the cat vibe.

We think it’s a cute look that suits her. Pity, she spent the whole time locked in a toilet cubicle while the boys quizzed Malfoy. Slip-ups with Hermione are rare. But when they come, they are glorious.

Pretty In Pink - The Yule Ball

In the Goblet of Fire, Hogwarts is playing host to the Triwizard Tournament. Durmstrang’s own champion Viktor Krum has eyes for our Hermione and asks her to the Yule Ball. When a very grown-up Hermione comes down the stairs in that flowing pink gown it is a moment to remember.

She’s even got an up-do. Hermione and Viktor only have eyes for one another. But Ron? It’s the beginning of something big, because Ron only has eyes for Hermione. And he’s jealous. Was that the first time we saw her in makeup?

Preppy Vibe - Goblet Of Fire

Goblet of Fire is about the Triwizard Tournament and the return of Voldemort. Hermione is sporting what might be called a practical Preppy look for most of the film. It’s pared-down to a pink sweater (did you ever notice how often Hermione wears pink?), jeans and a trenchcoat.

This Hermione is a very determined, driven even, young woman. Her clothes reflect that fact. More and more we see her in Ron’s company. Gone is the cute curly-haired little girl. We have a beginning-to-grow-up Hermione in Goblet of Fire. Is Preppy boring? Maybe. But it’s also the look of a person who means business.

The Laid-Back Quidditch Fan

Hermione’s out there every match cheering on Gryffindor in general and Harry in particular. She looks sports-ready and relaxed in her layered Gryffindor tee-shirt. But wait until the game starts. She is the noisiest fan out there. She takes a lot of flack from the likes of Malfoy, but she cheers on.

In fact, it looks as if the whole of Gryffindor has gone for the same look. We hope that glass only has Butter Beer in it. By the way, we’re also liking Harry’s relaxed weekend look. The two of them look perfect together. Pity, it didn’t work out.

A Very Serious Witch Indeed

Before we get to the Deathly Hallows years in the film, let’s pause and visit Hermione, the Minister of Magic in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The play has been a huge success on Broadway and London’s West End. Hermione is married to Ron and they have a bubbly daughter named Rose. Her dress sense can best be described as giving off a power vibe, with a slight feminine undertone.

Tailored suits are the name of this Hermione’s game. As might have been expected, it’s Hermione who is the driving force in the marriage. Ron is working at his brother’s magic shop and being a very supportive husband. Most of the time.

Bill and Fleur’s Wedding - Lady In Red

Bill and Fleur get married in Deathly Hallows Part I. Notice who Hermione is with. Ron’s holding on for dear life, we think. The red dress is simple, with just a slight edge to it, due mostly to the fringing effect on the bodice and skirt. Viktor Krum is there too, much to the annoyance of a petulant Ron. Viktor and Hermione twirled around the floor. And she looked wonderful.

The wedding is, of course, broken up by what amounts to the beginning of the Second Wizarding War. The ministry has fallen and the Deatheaters are coming. Time for a quick exit.

The Bellatrix Lestrange Look

We arrive at Deathly Hallows Part II and it’s Polyjuice Potion time again. This time Hermione transforms herself into her mortal enemy, Bellatrix Lestrange, in order to get access to Bellatrix’s vault at Gringott’s Bank. We think she is doing a pretty good job of the Bellatrix look, clothes, hair and all. She even looks a little crazy and a lot arrogant. Ron just looks like Ron trying not to look like Ron.

Deathly Hallows Part II is the darkest film and Hermione’s clothes reflect that fact. We are about to get to the warrior Hermione, the no-nonsense witch on a mission.

Battling Evil - The Desperate Fight

In Deathly Hallow Part II Harry, Ron, and Hermione have hit the road in search of those all-important Horcruxes. They aren’t exactly given a clear path to walk down, as they are constantly harassed by bounty hunters and the like. Hermione casts spells over their camps in an attempt to ward off the forces of evil.

Her outfit almost looks like a military uniform. It is very tailored, severe, no-nonsense. Meanwhile, back in the tent Ron is pitching a wobbly over Hermione and Harry bunking together. Trust us, nobody’s smiling in this one.

Fighting The Cold And The Bad Guys


Our final look is Hermione in cold weather gear, with long sweater sleeves to warm her hand and a rather severe coat to keep the rest of her warm. It’s an extremely practical outfit and a long way from the Yule Ball. Deathly Hallows Part II culminates with The Battle of Hogwarts. It’s a close-run thing, but Voldemort is defeated.

The last scene in the film has Ron and Hermione taking their daughter Rose to catch the Hogwarts Express. The outfit she wears then is definitely momsy. So, we decided to skip it and end with the fierce warrior Hermione that we know and love. And respect.