The Marauders from Harry Potter are generally seen as some of the most interesting characters. Fans have always wanted to get more information and stories about this group of friends while they were at Hogwarts, but this is especially true for stories about James, Lupin, and Sirius. While all of these friends, minus Peter Pettigrew, are generally seen as being good characters who try to do the right thing, there’s no denying that they did some kind of messed up and shameless things both together and as individuals.

Here are the ten most shameless things that the Marauders ever did.

How Sirius Acted When He Was Trying To Kill Pettigrew

When Sirius first got out of Azkaban, he had been there for 13 years. So, he definitely wasn’t thinking or acting rationally given what he had gone through. This is why during his attempts to find Pettigrew, he did a lot of shameless things. He wasn’t careful at all and did things like break into Hogwarts and hold a knife over Ron’s body. A lot of his actions were way too brazen.

Bullying Snape

Snape is not a character who is innocent by any means. He is already interested in the dark arts during his time at Hogwarts, and he does some pretty awful things like call Lily a mudblood. In many ways, he gives back just as much as they give him.

However, this doesn’t excuse some of the bullying that was done by Sirius and James especially. They would humiliate him in front of other students in ways that are really uncomfortable and shameless.

Sirius Getting Mad At Harry For Not Breaking Enough Rules

When Sirius is at Grimmauld Place, he definitely struggles to be a good godfather. He gets restless and tries to live vicariously through Harry and his friends. So, he begins to see Harry more as James than as the teenager he is. It’s definitely uncalled for when he guilt trips Harry for not being more reckless about breaking rules. Sirius doesn’t have any shame about acting like this and is really intense about it, even to people around him.

James Not Leaving Lily Alone At Hogwarts

While people in the fandom talk about the fact that Snape was rather creepy in how he felt about Lily and acted, James sometimes gets let off the hook too much. Lily wasn’t really interested in him and told him that multiple times, but he mostly ignored this. He kept trying to ask her out and get her to date him even when she had told him no repeatedly.

This definitely isn’t an attractive behavior, and James didn’t have any qualms about acting like this.

James And Sirius Performing Magic In Front Of Muggles In The Prequel Story

While this isn’t in the books, J.K. Rowling wrote a short prequel story about a little adventure that James and Airius got themselves into. This story shows just how brazen about things these best friends could be. They end up getting caught by policemen and end up doing a lot of magic in front of them to get out of the situation. This is illegal, and it also shows how little care for rules that these two have all along.

When Lupin Tried To Leave A Pregnant Tonks Behind

While some of the most shameless things that the Marauders do happen while they’re at Hogwarts, they also do some pretty shameless things as individuals once they’re adults.

While Lupin often is more grounded and worried about doing the right thing, he has a really shameless moment when he tries to join up with Harry to help him. But, while doing this, he basically ditches Tonks while she is pregnant. He is definitely in the wrong with how he acts here.

Breaking Rules And Being Arrogant About It

During their time at Hogwarts, the Marauders are known for being some of the worst rule-breakers the school has ever seen. While a lot of this rule-breaking has to do with just simple and harmless things, the consistent rule-breaking is a problem because of how little remorse they show. They don’t have shame about acting like they are above the rules and that the rules don’t apply to them.

Sirius Pulling A Prank On Snape That Could Have Killed Him

While the pranks and things that the Marauders in Harry Potter did to Snape were often kind of cruel or out of line, there was often a back and forth in these actions. However, there is one “prank” that happened that wasn’t funny or harmless at all. Sirius attempted to send Snape to see Lupin while he was in his werewolf form.

This could have led to Snape’s death, and it also could have meant a lot of trouble and heartache for Lupin. The other issue is how little remorse Sirius shows about this.

Becoming Animagi Literally

This is an example of the rule-breaking these friends did that just went too far. While they might have had good intentions to help Lupin by turning into Animagi, they let things get out of control. They started to wander the grounds at night with a fully turned werewolf. This put many lives at risk and was a really dumb thing to do.

Peter Pettigrew Betraying His Friends And Joining Voldemort

While there are a lot of rather shameless things that the other members of the Marauders do throughout their lives, nothing is ever as horrible or shameless as Peter Pettigrew’s actions. He betrays two of his friends to their death and then has Sirius take the fall. He then joins Voldemort and becomes one of his most devoted servants. Pettigrew does so many shameless and awful deeds, and he is definitely the most shameless and spineless of them all.