One can often wonder how Hogwarts never got sued by thousands of concerned parents (Muggle or otherwise). The number of child-endangering incidents in that school is too damn high. At least it was ever since a certain Potter boy enrolled - probably just a coincidence… or a Dark Lord, who knows? Nevertheless, the Harry Potter school has more or less escaped that sort of scrutiny; perhaps one of the reasons for this is its quality teachers.

Save for the Defense Against the Dark Arts subject, the “academic” personnel of the school are quite excellent. The teachers and how they continuously usher in generation after generation of wizards and witches is worth every Galleon, Sickle, or Knut spent on Hogwarts. Despite some major hiccups in certain lessons, this is more than compensated for by the best professors of Hogwarts.

Gilderoy Lockhart

It’s astonishing that Gilderoy Lockhart managed to actually get a job at Hogwarts. While he was able to charm anybody with his looks and personality, there’s no doubt that he couldn’t teach at all. Everything he knew was a lie from other people, and he managed to make a career out of it.

However, he wasn’t a good teacher. Gilderoy wasn’t able to bring the best out of his students, and it’s hard to see how many students actually learned anything while he was in charge.

Quirinus Quirrell

Another teacher who took on the difficult role of being the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher was Quirinus Quirrell, and he is another who simply wasn’t cut out for that line of work. It’s obvious to see that he was only in the school to help Lord Voldemort.

Quirrell was simply too nervous and scared of everything to work in that subject, and while his teaching skills aren’t highlighted as much as others, he isn’t a great member of staff.

Barty Crouch Jr.

Here’s when Hogwarts really should have been shut down. They unwittingly let an active Death Eater near their students and even let him teach the most important lesson for Hogwarts at the time. Despite that, Barty Crouch Jr. did surprisingly okay as Alastor Moody. He even taught lessons in advance.

He also introduced the three unforgivable curses and how to combat them to students in a time where Death Eaters were regrouping. Granted, that’s probably the only lesson he knew how to teach, being a Death Eater and all. Another big surprise is the fact that almost no one was harmed by the dangerous Barty (apart from Neville’s innocence or Malfoy’s pride).

Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge might be one of the least popular teachers to have ever appeared at Hogwarts and how much she truly taught to the students is questionable. Dolores came into the school in time for the O.W.L. exams, and she pushed all of the students to their maximum but did so through fear and the use of barbaric methods.

From a certain perspective, she maintained order effectively and the heroes did come out stronger after defying her, but her biggest lessons may not have been ones that she taught on purpose.

Rolanda Hooch

P.E. might be a boring subject for some, but certain teachers can make it an enjoyable respite from all the theoretical information. Hogwarts’ Professor Rolanda Hooch is one of those teachers. She doesn’t appear much beyond the first film/book but her role was quite crucial in the students’ development as Houses.

Anyway, she’s the one responsible for introducing Quidditch or broom-riding to the first years. Funny enough, she actually left her class on the first day of school but that was Neville’s fault. Anyway, had she not done that, Harry probably would not have discovered his hidden talent for Quidditch or flying. Apart from being a professor, she also sometimes acts as the Quidditch referee or umpire.

Sybill Trelawney

Sybill Trelawney can be quite nervous and a little eccentric at times, but she’s someone who is passionate about her work. At times, it seems unclear whether Sybill is actually able to see into the future, or if she’s just guessing and going off on a tangent.

But either way, she works hard to teach her students and there’s no denying that she loves the job. This is something that a lot of other staff members lack, and that level of passion is something that makes her a great teacher.

Horace Slughorn

It seems nine out of ten Slytherins are often up to something disagreeable. Professor Horace Slughorn is no exception. He’s a Slytherin through and through from childhood to seniority. While his favoritism is quite detrimental (he even has his own awkward club for it) to the learning process, there’s no denying that he’s brilliant.

In fact, Dumbledore holds tremendous respect for him. Even Voldemort wanted to recruit Slughorn in his Death Eater army for the brilliant old man’s abilities and knowledge. Other than that, there aren’t really many people who could replace a job that’s perfect for the self-proclaimed Half-Blood Prince…

Severus Snape

There he is, our favorite emo prince. For a long time, Professor Snape held the post of Potions Master before switching over to Defense Against the Dark Arts and being replaced by Slughorn. How’d he fare as Potions teacher? Not pleasant at all. Before Snape had been redeemed to kingdom come in Deathly Hallows or before Dolores Umbridge was introduced, we only knew Snape as the terror teacher.

He’s the professor who gave disheartening paper deadlines and allowed nary a squeak in the classroom while he’s talking. Anyone who tries to talk back or show any sign of deviance gets humiliated. Mostly it was Potter… and friends… or anyone from Gryffindor. While a lot can be learned from Professor Snape, it can be a tough experience.

Pomona Sprout

Herbology might sound like a dull subject but Hogwarts’ Professor Pomona Sprout somehow makes it fun. Often, her subject involves equal parts theory and practice, which is always a fun way to learn by any standard. It also appears that Professor Sprout’s lessons are one of the most structured in Hogwarts.

During each and every class, Professor Sprout advances the lessons organically and introduces gradually newer and rarer plants. It’s highly similar to real-world academic teaching methods. As a result, her subject is relatable to us Muggles. Not to mention Sprout also sports that jolly aunt vibe and prioritizes the safety of any student in her classes.

Filius Flitwick

It’s hard to absorb lessons and actually learn something if the teacher appears impassionate about them. Luckily for the students of Hogwarts, Professor Filius Flitwick of Charms class can be summed up with one behavior: enthusiasm. It appears that Professor Flitwick also enjoys what his students are learning.

For a lesson as important as Charms in the Wizarding World, this can have resonating effects. If not for Professor Flitwick’s keen teaching, Harry, Ron, and Hermione would not have defeated that troll in the dungeon. Beyond that, he also teaches through demonstration yet lets his students figure things out for themselves, improving their resourcefulness.

Rubeus Hagrid

Professor Rubeus Hagrid (who’d have thought?) teaches Hogwarts an equivalent of biology or zoology in the Wizarding World and rightfully so. His subject is called Care of Magical Creatures, which is probably heaven for someone like him. Hagrid getting the role is fitting as he loves magical beasts in any shape and size (though he usually prefers the big and misunderstood ones).

It would take a pretty evil person to hate Professor Hagrid’s class or teaching methods. They involve mostly practice and knowledge gained through years of experience interacting with the creatures of the Wizarding World. Since they’re basically about animals, they take place outside the classroom - a welcome change of pace for any student.

Aurora Sinistra

Aurora Sinistra isn’t showcased teaching within the movies, although she can be found in the Great Hall along with the other teachers. However, book readers will know that Aurora is one of the most intelligent witches within the wizarding world, and she’s a talented teacher.

Aurora teaches astronomy, which is notoriously one of the hardest subjects to learn in Hogwarts. The fact that she is a master of that craft, and is able to teach it to the students, shows that she’s one of the best teachers in the school.

Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard in the modern Wizarding World was once but a humble professor at Hogwarts. He used to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts back in the 1920s and was a notable wizard back then.

He was also one of the few who found a way to work against Gellert Grindlewald while still being a teacher. Even as a Headmaster, one can still learn a lot from Dumbledore. Harry, Snape, even the Ministry of Magic, or his own peers have picked up some valuable lessons one way or another from Dumbledore. Besides, who wouldn’t want to learn from the world’s most powerful wizard?

Remus Lupin

What do we have here? A modern Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who was actually useful? That’s worthy of a standing ovation. So let’s clap our hands for Remus Lupin, one of the few (or only) Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knew what he was doing and was also not evil… at least when he’s human.

While he has a tendency to bite his students’ faces off during full moon, that can be excused. Professor Lupin taught Harry the most iconic spell in the Wizarding World: the Patronus charm (which can also double as a personal Sorting Hat). Moreover, his classes are simply exciting and involve plenty of interaction as well as practical stuff.

Minerva McGonagall

Dumbledore might be the most powerful teacher in Hogwarts, but the most powerful brain belongs to Professor Minerva McGonagall of Transfiguration class. In fact, she’s the “Hermione” of her generation, that is, the brightest witch/wizard of her age. Professor McGonagall is a treasure trove of knowledge.

What’s more, she’s also an Animagus (people who can willingly transform into animals) herself. That makes her the perfect teacher of her subject. Meanwhile, her classes mostly take place in the classroom and are theory-heavy, but she still allows plenty of room for practical experimentation. Her brain combined with years of experience, a solid moral compass, and being the head of House Gryffindor makes her the best teacher in Hogwarts ever.