Albus Dumbledore is arguably one of the most controversial characters in the Harry Potter world – going from a beloved wizard to a wizard with a few dark secrets. So it’ll come as no surprise for fans to hear that his family had plenty of secrets for us to explore.

The Dumbledore family was a prestigious family, even if a flawed family. We learned a lot about the family during the final Harry Potter novels, but there’s still plenty more for fans to learn. We’ve gone ahead and done the research for you – so here is the family history of the Dumbledores.

Family Status

It’s easy to assume that the older and more prestigious families in the wizarding world might all be purebloods – but you’d be wrong. The Dumbledore family had a healthy infusion of muggles into their family line, which possibly reflects on Albus’ perspective on his muggle-born students.

The Dumbledores were a well respected and well-liked family, all things considered. The fact that they were able to keep so many family secrets will speak volumes about their friends. It was only after the passing of Albus Dumbledore did some of their darkest secrets get out.


The Dumbledore family has resided in two locations that fans are aware of. They originally lived in an English village known as the Mould-on-the Wold. Here the children had a chance to grow up a bit, before they were forced to move.

Later, after a series of events (covered later), the family moved to the famous Godric’s Hollow. And this was the last official residence of the family as a whole – though later two of the brothers did establish their own homes (one in Hogwarts, the other in Hogsmead).


While we have no doubt that the Dumbledores are a family whose line goes back generations, fans only know a limited amount about the family. For example, we don’t know anything about Albus’ grandparents, or any generation beyond them. Perhaps if we could get our hands on Rita Skeeter’s book, that would change (not that we could trust the information inside).

Percival Dumbledore

Percival Dumbledore is the father to our famous Albus Dumbledore, in case that bit wasn’t obvious. Percival’s blood status is unknown, but we do know that he was born to a wizarding family. He was born in 1881, but much about his life is left in shadows. We do know that later he went on to marry Kendra, where they had three (or four) children.

Percival went to Azkaban after a horrendous attack on some muggles. He went silently, never confessing that the reason he attacked the muggles was because of their attack on his daughter. He likely did this to protect her, but also to keep her weakness (and presumed illness) secret.

It’s this attack that led many a witch and wizard to assume that he supported the belief behind blood superiority. When the truth was that the attack was much more personal.

Percival Dumbledore died in Azkaban, having successfully kept his family secret quiet. Albus himself took the secret to the grave – with it only seeing the light of day after his death.

Kendra Dumbledore

Kendra Dumbledore was born in 1851 and died in 1899. She was a muggle-born witch and a loyal mother. She married Percival Dumbledore, taking on his name. Together they had either three or four children.

Her children would end up being the death of her. In the Summer of 1899, her daughter lost control of her magic, resulting in the death of Kendra. This was following the imprisonment of her husband – leaving her daughter in the care of her two (oldest) sons.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore was born in the summer of 1881, to Percival and Kendra Dumbledore. He had a complicated history, one that eventually leads him to the halls of Hogwarts. Eventually, he became Headmaster and is arguably the most famous Headmaster the school has known in recent years.

Albus faced two infamous dark wizards during his time. The first was Grindelwald, and the second was Lord Voldemort. Fans already know plenty about both confrontations, but let it be known that Grindelwald was his peer. While Voldemort lived in fear of Albus and everything he knew.

Albus had more than his fair of secrets – both his family’s and his own. This secret he kept close to his chest, right up until his dying breath. Many of these secrets only came out months after his death – but we believe that there are many more that have stayed buried with him.

Albus died on the 30th of June, 1997. He fell to Severus Snape, whom he had forced to promise to complete this horrid action.

Aberforth Dumbledore

Aberforth Dumbledore was the second son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore. He was born in 1883 and was still alive post the Battle of Hogwarts. Aberforth grew up watching his family fall apart. First, his father was arrested, then his mother died. Later, he saw his sister die (see below) in even more horrible circumstances. He laid the blame for much of this at his elder brother’s feet. It was something he never quite got over.

Aberforth moved to Hogsmead, where he became the owner and barman of the Hog’s Head. It’s here he contentedly stayed and was in the perfect position to help the Order of the Pheonix out when the Battle of Hogwarts began.

Ariana Dumbledore

Ariana Dumbledore was born to Percival and Kendra, and was their third child. She had two elder brothers. She always seemed to struggle with controlling her magic, but it became especially a problem after a group of muggles brutally attacked her.

Her father, Percival, took revenge on these muggles, and silently went to Azkaban for the attack. From that moment on, her magic was in an even worse state. Mostly because we believe she refused to use it at all.

When she was fourteen, Ariana lost control of her magic completely, accidentally killing her mother. From that moment on Albus became in charge of her care – a situation he was vocally unhappy about.

Later, Ariana died in the course of a battle between Albus, Aberforth, and Grindelwald. To this day none of them know who cast the spell that killed Ariana.

Aurelius Dumbledore/Credence Barebone

The most contentious member of the Dumbledore family is that of Aurelius Dumbledore. Aka Credence Barebone. He is believed to have been born in 1901 but was not raised by any members of the Dumbledore family. Probably because the father was presumed dead by this point, and the mother was supposedly dead. There are a few slim places where an illegitimate child could have been created – so the possibility hasn’t been ruled out.

Credence was sent over to America, but on the voyage, he was swapped out with another child – the missing Lestrange son. Once in America, he was adopted by Mary Lou Barebone – a wicked mother and the leader of the New Salem Philanthropic Society.

Because of his upbringing, Credence became an Obscurial – a child who has suppressed their magic so wholly that they begin to lose control, creating a parasitic bond with their magic. His new form got the attention of Grindelwald, who revealed to Credence that he was actually Aurelius Dumbledore – a secret child of the family. Only time will tell if the wizard was lying, or telling the truth.