HBO’s Watchmen finished just a few short weeks ago but there’s already speculation about a second season of the show. While there was talk that this was a one-off, that doesn’t mean there aren’t many questions we really want to be answered in another 10 episodes.

The finale of the show has given fans a lot of food for thought, allowing them to create a variety of theories that could in some way answer these burning questions. Here are 10 theories and why they may be able to tell us more about the future of the show.


If you’ve been following the HBO website that has accompanied this series, you’d see a variety of FBI dossiers that have been created by Agent Dale Petey. The final one has driven further speculation that it was actually Petey who dressed up as Lube Man.

This would make a tonne of sense since he was obsessed with vigilantes and clearly wanted to be one. This also allowed Laurie Blake to gain access to vital information that Petey picked up as Lube Man; answering the question of who was behind the mask.


Season 1 seemed to suggest that Dr. Manhattan was killed for good, but many fans simply aren’t buying that. There’s lots of evidence to show that Manhattan can actually be in two places at once, so why couldn’t it be the same here?

We don’t quite understand the technology that was used to trap him, so there may be a reason that all versions of the character could have been present, but there’s also a possibility that a duplicate of Manhattan was somewhere on Mars, safe and sound.


Adrian Veidt has been known to scheme and plot for most of his life. The most intelligent man in the world has a plan for just about anything. He also loves to come across fitting adversaries to face off against in a battle of wits.

Although Veidt might have found his match once again in the form of Laurie Blake, that doesn’t mean he isn’t prepared for an arrest. Veidt would have thought about the potential of being caught for the squid attack and could have a backup plan that may free him from prison.


So many fan theories have included the notion that one of the main characters in the show is actually a clone. Of course, we know there has been some cloning in Lady Trieu’s family but that isn’t to say that other characters aren’t also copies.

Many people have pointed the finger at Angela actually being a clone. It’s unclear who she could be a clone of however, although some have speculated she’s even closer in relation to Will than has been let on. Perhaps an enhanced clone could explain taking on Manhattan’s abilities.


Nite Owl was mentioned in the last series and is reportedly in prison. After the option to actually have him broken out by the corrupt Seventh Kavalry Senator, Nite Owl is presumably still behind bars after that whole plan fell apart.

There’s every possibility that Nite Owl could have freedom restored, with some speculating that this could be linked to the imprisonment of Adrian Veidt, explaining why Nite Owl would actually be allowed to finish his sentence.


Some would say that Watchmen was the perfect sequel to the original comic as it actually showed the evolution of Doctor Manhattan. He has exited this plane of existence and passed on his abilities, potentially, to Angela Abar.

But how could Angela take on these powers without drastically changing her personality and the way in which she behaves? Fans have speculated that she’s only been given a small dose of Dr Manhattan’s powers, with the full extent of them held back for her safety.


The Tulsa Police are now down a leader after Judd Crawford was killed and Laurie Blake could be moving on. There’s only one man for the job and a key part of bringing down Ozymandias. Fans have begun to speculate that Looking Glass could take on the role.

This would also be important as the world begins to rebuild after finding out the squid attack was a hoax. Looking Glass is one of the characters largely affected by the attack and it would answer our questions surrounding how the Police will now move forward.


Speaking of Laurie Blake, she’s been speculated to resign from her position on the FBI, which could explain where she will be heading next. Some fans have theorized that after her work in Tulsa, she may no longer want to round up vigilantes.

She cooperated with both Sister Night and Looking Glass, amongst other masked heroes, and clearly saw the benefits of suiting up in the field. This could even answer the question of whether she could also put on her costume again in the future.


Many people have asked what will now happen to Bian My. The incredibly intelligent daughter of Lady Trieu, as well as her cloned mother, certainly knows enough about Trieu’s plan to perhaps continue on her work.

Maybe the next step for the young girl is actually to fulfill what she was created for; to fully become the woman she was through the use of memory pills and then continue on the work of her daughter by looking to ‘save’ the world.


The same question was asked again and again once the show had finished. Is Cyclops defeated for good? Although many senior members of the racist group were killed in the final episode, that doesn’t mean that this organization is finished.

Theories suggest that Cyclops has actually spread further than Tulsa and is now institutionalized. Word could quickly spread about what has happened and more members of this despicable group could arrive to seek retribution.