After halting production back in January of this year, the new HBO original series adaptation of the classic 1973 Western, science-fiction genre mash-up picture Westworld, which was originally written and directed by Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park), and subsequently re-written the show’s chief co-creators Jonathan Nolan (Person of Interest) and Lisa Joy, has been put on hold while the program’s final shooting scripts are completed. Having already premiered a teaser trailer for the new premium cable drama, the cast and crew behind the latest must-see television event, including co-executive producers J.J. Abrams (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and Bryan Burk, have been temporarily left in a state of medias res regarding the making of their latest update of an original Crichton property.

Those in the know are likely well aware that HBO’s Westworld is set to star the likes of Anthony Hopkins (Thor: The Dark World), Evan Rachel Wood (True Blood), and James Marsden (Unfinished Business), and will revolve around a Wild West-themed theme part populated by AI attractions, in a narrative wherein “A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the future of sin,” unfolds. And despite having been put on brief hiatus for the past couple of months, the latter mentioned cast and formerly cited crew can now breathe a sigh of relief, as production on the new series has finally resumed.

According to Deadline, production on co-creators Nolan and Joy’s latest television venture has resumed production, and only a mere week behind a schedule that initially had the program back underway in March. In addition, Noland and Joy have officially signed-on new cast member Lili Simmons (True Detective) as a recurring character for Westworld season 1.

Simmons has thus far proven herself a more than capable dramatic performer on the previously cited HBO original drama’s second season, in addition to lending her decidedly dynamic presence to sibling network Cinemax’s Banshee. The young actress has also lent her talents to one notable Western drama already, in the form of last year’s independent feature film production and cult-hit Bone Tomahawk, an experience that should help to inform her latest role on Westworld.

With all of the program’s central shooting scripts officially completed, the final task of shooting, producing, and airing Westworld on HBO remains, though the cast and crew at hand should prove more than capable of bringing Crichton’s original concept to thrilling life. Until the program finally sees its series premiere something this year, fans of the 1973 original can begin anticipating a return to the AI inhabited Western theme park of their wildest imagination and fondest memories.


Westworld is expected to premiere on HBO sometime in 2016 or early 2017.

Source: Deadline