There are some modifications and redesigning that people popularly do this day possibly because of their love for such modifications or because they are not comfortable with the way such body parts is looking or because they want to follow the reigning trend and not feel so outdated in the ever-changing world of different modifications and customization of virtually everything to meet up with the trends of the day. The desire for one’s nipple to be in a heart-shaped format is one of those redesigning and people cherish it so much that they earnestly wish to know its cost.

Depending on the type of nipple that is heart-shaped that you are going for, the price will be at a minimum amount of six hundred USD and a maximum or even higher amount of five thousand USD for the grafting surgery which is usually determined by the surgeon carrying out the procedure based upon his or her work experience, materials used, location, and any other thing worth considering. While for the one done by an artist, it could be close to or more than one thousand USD based on the number of hours spent on it and materials used.

Heart-Shaped Nipple

You may be contemplating if your real nipple will turn out to be in a heart-shaped position after carrying out this nipple surgery, but this is rather false as the integrity of your nipple will be maintained with only the formation of areola that will take place where the nipple will look as if there are skin tissues within the nipple that appears to be a bit darker shaded than every other part which makes it seem as though the nipple is indeed heart-shaped, while in the real sense it is not.

This is a surgical grafting that entails tattooing or grafting of the nipple via plastic surgery. Not every doctor that carries out plastic surgery that accepts to do this because it has some futuristic harmful effect on the person even though the aesthetic purpose of it will be attained by the individual. This procedure is always carried out in a certified and sterilized vicinity to avoid some unwanted infestation of microbial growth that will result in serious complications after the surgery.

Some parts of the areola will be adulterated most especially the outermost covering, to gain access to the inner part where the exact modification will take place to achieve the expected result which comes in place after grafting a layer of the skin from a place in your body that is usually not seen to do the modification. The tattoo aspect is usually done by an artist who has been certified to do so, and it can either be a permeant or temporary one depending on the one that you so wish to do. For each case, you are expected to come along with anything that will enable the artist or surgeon to understand the exact thing you need.

Could There Be Any Complications After Carrying Out The Surgery On The Nipples To Make It Heart shape?

Yes. As obtainable though never desirable in every other surgical grafting, there could arise some unwanted effects that were not bargained for after carrying out surgery to make the nipple appear heart-shaped. Age-related changes in your breast shape may also affect nipple shape in the future which may also change the shape of the heart shape.

Some of these unwanted effects could end up continuing forever, or they may fade away with time. The presence of whitish discharge or yellowish discharge, feverish state, incessant bleeding, or pain could be a pointer to the presence of infection resulting from the concluded procedure. There could be the presence of scars and breastfeeding issues resulting from the procedure.

Do You Hany Any Ideas Of When I Will Be Completely Healed After the Surgical Procedure Of Making The Nipple Heart-shaped?

If you can maintain all the necessary conditions like maintaining the required hygiene, it is expected that the healing process has completed within a month and two weeks. But when this does not happen within this period, you can contact the doctor that carried out the surgery for proper examination and possible dictation of any issues.

What Can Alter The Nipple’s Original Shape?

There is a countable number of things that can alter the original configuration of the nipple, these things can propel one to look for some alternative shape that will lead to the modifications of the original one.

Those things could be when a woman is pregnant, when she is lactating when there are hormonal changes, injuries on the nipples, aging effect, surgical grafting, loss of weight, etc.

Because of the countable things considered while coming up with the total cost for carrying out a surgical grafting for a nipple that has the shape of a heart, it does not have a generally fixed price, though a minimum of six hundred USD and higher or maximum of five thousand USD can give you your choicest nipple that is heart-shaped.